Infonachmittag 12-10-2022 6 bearbeitet1

"Schnuppernachmittag" at Brütsch Elektronik

During the "Schnuppernachmittag", we were able to welcome the next generation of talented specialists to our company. In the course of the career afternoon, students from the 2nd upper level had the opportunity to find out more about the apprenticeships "Computer Scientist EFZ" and "Electronics Technician EFZ".

After a short company presentation, the apprentices of Brütsch Elektronik AG together with their vocational trainers gave insights into their daily work. The students were able to take a closer look at the demonstration devices.

Many thanks to all participants for the successful and informative afternoon!
Demonstration Devices Brütsch Elektronik
Demonstration Devices Brütsch Elektronik
working in  IT
working in product development